Compelling Stories Get Results

Years ago there was a television series called “The Naked City.” Each week the narrator would begin with “There are eight million stories in The Naked City. This is one of them.” Very film noir, usually engaging. The point was that everyone has a story. Everyone. Even you.

At jMcD. Associates (aka McDermott Communications), we tell your story. It may be in the form of a newspaper or magazine article. It may be on your website. It may be in a newsletter or sales letter that goes directly to your audience. We use your story to sell you – your business, your product, your service. As humans, we are hard-wired to understand stories and jMcD. Associates specializes in relaying your story to your target audience in ways that bring results.

As a business leader you know the importance of communications that are clear, strong, focused and effective. But in today’s marketplace, your story competes with an almost unimaginable amount of noise. E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, the Internet and cell phones are only a few of the things that can create the static that distracts your audience from your message.

As a former journalist who built a reputation for grabbing the attention of the reader with accuracy, punch and thoroughness, Joe McDermott brings a fresh style and renewed vitality to your story. As an experienced corporate communications professional, he makes sure your message gets the consideration it deserves from customers, vendors and peers. And you get a compelling story that gets results – on time and on budget.

Let’s talk. How can we help you? Call today for a free consultation.

jMcD. | Joe McDermott | McDermott Communications

1117 Webster Avenue, Allentown, PA  18103 | phone 484-860-2289 | |


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